A short history of our Church
The Primitive Methodists originally had a building used as a church in Mill Lane, which is now dwelling houses. The Mill Lane Chapel was built in 19xx. The inscription over the church says "Founded in 1828. Moved here 1907."
Henry Lodge (1831 to 1889), who owned Ryhill Main Colliery, was a member of the church which built three Primitive Methodist Churches in the Barnsley area, including Buckley Street, and no doubt his money supported the Ryhill Church.
The photograph below of the Ryhill Main pit officials of 1912 includes many names of families who were members of the Church, including William Carnelly Haigh JP. who was a prominent local figure. The Colliery was very supportive of the Church until it closed in 1923.
The Methodist Church became re-untied in 1930 and both Ryhill Methodist Churches became part of the Barnsley East Circuit. In Ryhill however, both Methodist Churches retained their own independent existence. Up to the 1950's, the Mill Lane Church was strong, with a large Sunday School and Youth Club, but the Church was weakened when several leading families left the village.
In 1973 the Trustees decided to close the church and it is now a double glazing factory.
Most of the members transferred to the present chapel which was renamed St Paul's.
For information about the Methodist Church nationally and internationally, click on the logo
The History of Ryhill is available again and copies of Volumes 1 and 2 can
be bought any Saturday morning at the Church Coffee Morning